
The power of the wind: a powerful attraction

Embrace the Revolution organises Wind Weekend

Over ten thousand people flocked to their local wind farm this August Bank Holiday to experience the real power of wind energy and to enjoy a host of free activities for the family. The ‘Wind Weekend’ event encouraged people to visit one of the flagship wind farms opening across the UK as part of a national celebration of wind energy. At wind farms in Scotland, demand was so great that extra buses had to be laid on to cope with the huge numbers of visitors. Martin Mathers, Community Relations Manager at ScottishPower’s Renewables team who opened up their Black Law wind farm in South Lanarkshire said: “The great thing about having an Open Day like this is that it really gives people an opportunity to come here and see for themselves exactly what goes on at a wind farm. It also gives us a chance to dispel a lot of the myths circulating about wind energy.

The day was really busy with a fantastic turnout - approximately four and a half thousand people - and there was lots for people to do including meeting some of the animals from the Five Sisters zoo in Livingston and the opportunity to take part in some energy workshops. By far the greatest interest on the day was the trips to the turbines themselves and we were ferrying people to and from the turbines for around five hours. This was a great opportunity for the community to enjoy a day out and learn something different at the same time.” In England meanwhile, queues formed outside the Delabole wind farm in Cornwall and close on three thousand people joined in the fun which lasted well into the evening with live bands and a colourful display of illuminated turbines. Juliet Davenport, Good Energy CEO, said “We’re delighted with the success of the day. We put thousands in touch with renewable energy and have shown people that they can help to secure Britain’s energy supply and become part of the solution to climate change”

British Wind Energy Association CEO Maria McCaffery said: “The continuing success of the Wind Weekend initiative has placed this event firmly on the calendar. We are delighted to see greater levels of support for this fantastic energy form every year and most grateful to those members of the Association who have supported us by opening their farms and accommodating the general public.” Wind Weekend was organised by Embrace the Revolution, the national campaign from BWEA in support of wind energy. The success of the weekend follows on from new research which confirms the continuing high level of support for this successful technology with 76% of the British population agreeing that wind farms are necessary to help meet current and future energy needs in the UK.

For further information, including images and interviews, please contact Alison Hill, Head of Communications 020 7689 1966 / 07956 859 749
British Wind Energy Association
Edited by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist
DSM Dyneema, Mammoet Van Oord, wind energy, renewable energy, wind turbine, wind power, wind farm, rotorblade, onshore, offshore

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