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First 8.0MW Offshore Turbines in Commercial Operation
Official Press Release DONG Energy:
Pioneering Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm opens today
?Burbo Bank Extension, a new offshore wind farm capable of meeting the electricity demand of well over 230,000 homes will be officially opened at a ceremony in Liverpool today.
The wind farm is a joint venture between DONG Energy (50%) and its partners PKA (25%) and KIRKBI A/S, parent company of the LEGO Group (25%). It is the first offshore wind farm in the world to make commercial use of the MHI Vestas V164-8.0 MW wind turbines. Showcase of the rapid innovation in the offshore wind industry Just one of these wind turbines produces more energy than the whole of Vindeby, the world's first offshore wind farm constructed by DONG Energy 25 years ago in Denmark. Henrik Poulsen, DONG Energy Chief Executive Officer, said: "Burbo... ... More: Official Press Release DONG Energy
- Keywords:
- DONG Energy, Burbo Bank Extension, UK, offshore