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RenewableUK Supports Stronger Focus on Renewable Energy as Industrial Strategy
Official Press Release RenewableUK:
Renewable energy should be at the heart of the Industrial Strategy - and General Election Campaign
RenewableUK is calling on the Government to make wind, wave and tidal energy key parts of its new Industrial Strategy.
In its response to the Government’s consultation on the Strategy, RenewableUK shows how these technologies can meet the challenge of providing affordable energy and clean growth. The document demonstrates that these industries are already providing major economic benefits to UK regions, including in areas with relatively low GVA needing new opportunities. Our response shows that renewable energy offers a growing export market in manufacturing and services, and that the UK is in a strong position to secure high-value contracts. RenewableUK has also sent a joint letter, with five other trade associations, to the Secretary of State for Business,... ... More: Official Press Release RenewableUK
- Keywords:
- RenewableUK, government, UK, strategy