
News Release from WindEurope


Wind Industry Profile of

Europe: EWEA rebrands itself to "WindEurope"

Why did EWEA decide to rebrand to “WindEurope”?

Wind is competitive

Wind power makes economic sense. Onshore wind is the cheapest form of new power generation in Europe today. Wind in Europe accounts for €67bn+ annual turnover and 255,000 jobs. Offshore wind is rapidly reducing costs and will play a central role in Europe’s power mix going forward.

Wind is mainstream

In the last year, wind accounted for 44% of all new power installations across Europe – more than any other technology. Wind covers over 11% of Europe’s electricity demand. In 2030, wind could serve a quarter of the EU’s electricity needs and be the backbone of Europe’s energy system.

Wind is strategic

Wind is an important and growing part of Europe’s industry base. Three of the five largest turbine manufacturers in the world are European companies. The European industry has a 40% share of all wind turbines sold globally and provides the lion’s share of Europe’s €35 billion renewable exports. We lead the world in offshore wind with over 90% of today’s offshore wind farms.

Overall, wind energy has transformed from a niche sector to a mainstream industry. The wind sector has matured and continues to evolve, so our brand needed to evolve with it.

This is a pivotal moment and we look forward to continue to work with you in order to ensure the growth and prosperity of the wind industry in Europe.


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