
News Release from Hottinger Brüel & Kjaer GmbH


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HBM wind energy webinar on the topic of “Structural health monitoring in wind turbines”

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that HBM has scheduled a wind energy webinar on the topic of “Structural health monitoring in wind turbines” for April 29, 2014.

Wind energy facility downtime involves high cost. Systematic structural health monitoring using test and measurement equipment enables stresses to be identified at an early stage and downtime to be minimized. This is true for onshore as well as offshore applications and thus both topics will be discussed.

In the above mentioned webinar Dr. André Schäfer, Product and Application Manager Wind Energy at HBM, located in Darmstadt near Frankfurt, explains the aspects you should keep in mind when performing structural health monitoring in the towers or foundations of wind turbines. The event will also explain about the goals of a newly founded working group with the topic „ Vibrations in wind energy systems“, HBM takes part.

It is part of our new initiatives in the field of wind energy applications covering topics such as prolonging service life, reducing downtime and increasing reliability. This new strategy has been presented by HBM at major events from the end of last year already, such as a poster presentation with the title „Challenging design rules of offshore wind turbines by improvements in the measurement of mechanical quantities“ at the “EWEA Offshore 2013” in Frankfurt, Germany as well as “EWEA 2014” in Barcelona, Spain and the VDI conference on “Vibrations in wind energy systems” in Bremen, Germany.

For further details see also http://www.hbm.com/en/menu/seminars/seminar-calendar/seminar-details-us/seminar/structural-health-monitoring-in-towers-and-foundations-of-wind-turbines/

We would like to invite you to participate in this HBM wind energy webinar on April 29 at 10:00 am. Participation is free.

For more information, please visit www.hbm.com/windenergy



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