
News Release from DNV


Wind Industry Profile of

12th Hamburg Offshore Wind Conference, 2 - 3 April, 2014

Now in its twelfth year DNV GL’s flagship offshore wind event provides a unique opportunity to gain current insight into both the offshore wind industry as a whole and the fast-developing market in Germany.

As well as providing a high quality networking platform, it differs from most other industry events in that it is put together and hosted by an organisation that has significant real lifecycle experience of offshore projects. The breadth and depth of technical understanding, guarantee that the programme has been designed to deliver added-value to all offshore stakeholders.

The key topics to be discussed at the twelfth HOW Conference include:

Offshore wind projects in Germany – Lessons learned so far

What does the German offshore project portfolio look like after the settled political changes?
Where are we in terms of individual project development?
What are the latest lessons learned and the latest changes in the projects?

New developments in offshore turbine technology – Panel discussion
At the heart of all offshore projects is the fast-developing turbine technology. What will the next-generation turbines look like? What is the turbine supplier’s point of view on the integrated systems for the wind farm design that the utilities and developers are looking for?

Finance instruments – How to cut costs and boost efficiency
Is project finance still sexy or are other finance models more attractive? When will the learning curve start and which cost reductions can be achieved?

Asset management and balance of plant maintenance – The forgotten topic
This session deals with operational management for large offshore wind farms focusing on the balance of plant maintenance. In the last years, the focus has always been on the operation and maintenance of the wind turbines, but refined solutions for the maintenance of the cables, offshore sub stations and the substructures are still missing on the market. This session gives news on this and shows some initial solutions.

The contribution of the offshore industry to the success of the Energiewende – Panel discussion
Participate in lively discussions with the German offshore decision-makers. Listen to the opinions of German wind associations, politicians, utilities and others as they discuss the market environment, infrastructure issues, legal frameworks and perspectives for the offshore industry in Germany.

Vessels for offshore wind
Discuss operational trends with people from the shipping industry, who provide crew and service boats as well as those involved in the installation of the first operational projects in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.


Confirmed speakers:

Jörg Kuhbier (Stiftung Offshore Windenergie)

Jutta Blankau (Stadt Hamburg)

Holger Grubel (Vattenfall Europe Windkraft)

Irina Lucke (EWE Offshore Service & Solutions)

Dr. Gernot Blanke (wpd)

Jens Hagen (UniCredit)

Udo Christiansen (EnBW)

Holger Matthiesen (E.ON)

Dominik Schwegmann (E.ON)

Heiner Strauß (RWE Innogy)

Bradley McAboy (UniCredit)

Jérôme Guillet (Green Giraffe Energy Bankers)

Klaus Bornhorst (Commerzbank)

Oliver Moß (PWC)

Peter Schäfer (KfW)

Hubertus Rosenow (Siemens)

Markus Rieck (Alstom)

Jörg Asmussen HOCHTIEF Solutions AG

Dr. Thomas Michel (E.ON)

Dr. Michael Splett (EnBW)

Dr. Klaus Meier (wpd windmanager)

Dr. Nico Nolte (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie)

Norbert Giese (Repower)

Prof. Dr. Martin Skiba

Dr. Holger Krawinkel (Bundesverband der Verbraucherzentrale)

Hendrik Gröne (Heavy Lift@Sea)

Ronny Meyer (WAB)



Please visit the HOW 2014 Conference website for registration and detailed information.

Venue: Hotel Hafen Hamburg, Hamburg

Contact: DNV GL

Phone: +49 (0)40 36149-8407

how@dnvgl.com, http://www.hamburgoffshorewind.com


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