
Vattenfall submits plans for 50-turbine wind farm

The wind farm would be based near Patna, Carsphairn, Dalmellington and New Cumnock

Vattenfall said the project would bring “lasting economic benefit to the local community”, if approved.

Vattenfall’s UK Onshore Wind Development Director, Piers Guy, said: “Developments like this not only make a substantial contribution to the environment, they also have a significant positive impact on both the local and national economy.

“At the peak of construction activity, if the proposal is approved, 79 people will be working on site.

“It is our intention to maximize the potential of local people working on South Kyle Wind Farm.”

He added: “It will cost more than £190m to build South Kyle Wind Farm and the potential jobs boost that comes with it highlights the importance of the onshore wind sector to the Scottish economy.”

The application will now be considered by the Scottish Government’s energy consents unit.

If approved, it is anticipated that onshore construction could begin in 2016 and first power generation achieved in 2018.

Posted by Trevor Sievert, Online Editorial Journalist / By Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd Staff

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