
This week: LBBW project finance for renewable energies

Finance for wind and solar farms in Germany and in selected European countries

LBBW offers flexible and bespoke project finance solutions for wind and solar farms and invests its expertise and time to acquaint itself with the project and the client's plans. As far as possible, inexpensive funding provided by Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau is used. The project finance furnished by the Bank is based solely on the project (in this case the power station) and its cash flow; by contrast, the investor's credit rating does not play any role. All the investor is required to do is to raise the necessary equity.

Our "project finance" offerings including related consulting services are targeted at

  • project developers

  • utilities/municipal works

  • operators

  • financial investors/fund initiators

  • general contractors and

  • equipment suppliers

The project is examined with the assistance of external experts to arrive at robust data on the volatility of the electricity yield, the technology used, the securing of property rights and the grant of all necessary permits. On the basis of the information provided by the client and the input of the external experts, LBBW prepares a detailed cash flow model for a forward period of 20 years, conducts sensitivity analyses to ensure that projects are sufficiently shielded from the effects of yield shortfalls or higher costs and draws up extensive project documentation.

In addition, LBBW assists its clients with their applications for funding, which is mostly available. Ahead of financing, LBBW will also be pleased to provide advice where required and arrange contacts with suitable project partners if this is desired.

Why not visit us as Unter Internetauftritt auf der LBBW-Homepage and Unser Internetauftritt im LBBW-Extranet für Sparkassen?


Do you have any further questions? If so, we will be pleased to help you:

Thomas Leidenberger

Head of Origination

Project Finance / Structured Finance
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg

phone +49 711 127 49748
fax +49 711 127 66 49748
Email Thomas.Leidenberger@LBBW.de


Frank Gerner

Head of Execution

Project Finance / Structured Finance

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
phone +49 341 22039340
fax +49 341 22039359

Email Frank.Gerner@LBBW.de


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