IRENA to work with world’s largest utility to improve grid efficiency
Global energy system creating more jobs in renewables than in fossil-fuel technologies
Solar outpaces wind for new power capacity
"REthinking Energy 2017" released at seventh IRENA Assembly on the weekend
USD 50 million available for scalable, replicable and transformative renewable energy projects in developing countries
New IRENA report highlights region’s success, emerging trends and valuable insights for other countries
Offshore wind could grow more than 650% by 2030, becoming a key power generation technology
IRENA analysis of more than 3,500 cities charts course to increase renewable energy in urban settings
A new report released last week on the margins of the G20 Energy Ministers meeting in Beijing provides policy makers, financial institutions and project developers with a range of options to help scale up investment in renewable energy.
Dramatic price drops for solar and wind electricity set to continue as cost reduction drivers shift
Renewable energy jobs continue to rise even as employment in the broader energy sector falls
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