
Issue 2024-07-11

Welcome to the new issue of the Windfair Newsletter.
Enjoy your reading.

Your Windfair Team

The Renewable Energy Statistics 2024 released from IRENA
List_screenshot-renewable_energy_statistics_2024_irena.orgUnfortunately, there is a gap of approximately 100 GW in the PV installations for 2023 compared with Solar Power Europe numbers. IRENA: page 40: 347 GW, Solar Power Europe Global Market Outlook 2024-2028 Introduction: ...
UK: Policy paper: Policy statement on onshore wind Published 8 July 2024
List_ukDoubling onshore wind energy by 2030. That means immediately removing the de facto ban on onshore wind in England, in place since 2015.

1. Delivering our clean power mission will ...

 NEWS of the WEEK
PNE AG has been successful in onshore wind energy tenders for 91.5 MW
List_wind_bau_7+++ Four new projects approved +++ Successful tender results of the PNE Group already add up to 117.9 MW this year +++

Cuxhaven  In May, the PNE Group has once again scored ...

Nordex Group further expands market presence in Lithuania with a new order for 42 MW

Hamburg - At the end of June 2024, the Nordex Group signed a contract with the E energija group for the supply and installation of six N163/6.X wind turbines for a 42 MW wind farm in ...

14 XXL monopiles readied for installation
List_offshore_wind_8First 14 XXL monopiles manufactured in Spain by the JV Navantia Seanergies-Windar Renovables were transported with flexible site planning and heavy lifting equipment.

03 July 2024

As offshore ...

Sweco to build Helsinki’s first green hydrogen production plant

Finnish energy company Helen has selected Sweco as EPCM partner in the implementation of its first production plant for green hydrogen. Production of hydrogen is set to start in 2026, ...

German Offshore Wind Farm to Use China's 18.5 MW Turbines Amidst Controversy
List_mingyang_20211220A German offshore wind project is set to use Ming Yang Smart Energy's powerful 18.5 MW turbines, stirring industry concerns and prompting government review.

A new offshore ...

2024-07-11 Kampala: Power & Electricity Uganda 2024
2024-07-15 Oxford: EV SUMMIT 2024
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