
Content Iss. 2020-06-25

Welcome to the new issue of the Windfair Newsletter.
Enjoy your reading.

Your Windfair Team

Denmark Leads the Energy Transition
Researchers Develop New System to Defend National Grid from Power Cut
List_windenergieThe University of Birmingham Enterprise has applied for a patent to protect the system.

The system uses the variable speed of the rotors in wind turbine systems to more closely ...

The Crown Estate Publishes Annual 'Offshore Wind Operational Report'
List_offshore_wind_5UK remains number one in the world for offshore wind installed capacity,

In May, we published our eighth annual Offshore Wind Operational Report, offering an in-depth insight ...

Macro Grid Initiative: Upgrade the U.S. Transmission Network
List_strommast_9“We need to improve America’s outdated and balkanized electricity transmission system both to compete effectively in the 21st century economy and to properly tackle the climate crisis,” said ACORE President and CEO Gregory Wetstone....
IEA Publishes Sustainable Recovery Plan
List_klimawandel_14The International Energy Agency presents a Sustainable Recovery Plan focusing on a series of actions that can be taken over the next three years to revitalise economies and boost employment while making energy ...
Russia's Azov Wind Farm Is Taking Shape
Detail_enel_20200624The first batch of towers and nacelles has been delivered to the construction site of the Azov wind farm in Russia. The wind farm is scheduled to go online by the end of 2020.

Enel Green Power has announced that a first batch of towers - over a total of 26 turbines - has arrived at the construction site of the Azov wind farm in Russia. Each tower consists of three sections to be assembled on-site. The largest is 30 meters long, weighing 79 tonnes for a ...

NKT Focuses on Sustainable Cable Production
Offshore Industry Backs Development of Floating Offshore Wind
IRENA Report: Green Recovery Needed
List_wind_bau_5Any recovery strategy should include innovative solutions and emerging technologies such as green hydrogen with the potential to eventually deliver a net zero energy system.

Governments can align immediate economic ...

wpd Signs PPA in Finland
List_windpark_2wpd has signed yet another power purchase agreement with K Group in Finland

The trading sector company is pursuing a clear strategy of consistently expanding its renewable electricity procurement. In Finland, the electricity ...

Dörken Celebrates Construction Work
List_doerken_20200622While one work was completed, yet another construction project just begun

After an 18-month construction time the new office building in Wetterstraße, Herdecke was completed almost on time and within the ...

GE’s Haliade-X 12 MW Obtains Provisional Type Certificate by DNV GL
List_ge_12_mwOne of the world's largest wind turbines has reached a milestone in its development

GE Renewable Energy announced today that its Haliade-X 12 MW prototype, the world’s most ...

Small Wind in the North of Germany
List_braun_20200619Another Antaris 3.5 kW small wind turbine has been installed in Schleswig-Holstein in the north of Germany.

Excess energy is dissipated via a 3.5 kW braking resistor. Wind monitoring is carried out via a wind sensor, ...

LEEDCo Fights Decision to Stop Icebreaker Wind Project in the U.S.
Amazon Announces $2 Billion Climate Pledge Fund
Iberdrola Buys into Swedish Offshore Wind Development

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