
Fraunhofer IWES finishes measuring campaign in the Baltic Sea

In order to allow efficient planning of the grid operator’s new offshore platform seismic measuring techniques have been employed to detect boulders below the seafloor in.

Official Press Release Fraunhofer IWES:

Fraunhofer IWES: Successful measuring campaign for 50Hertz in the Baltic Sea

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Fraunhofer IWES: Successful measuring campaign for 50Hertz in the Baltic Sea

The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES has successfully completed a boulder detection campaign off the coast of the island of Rügen in the German Baltic Sea on behalf of 50Hertz.

In order to allow efficient planning of the grid operator’s new offshore platform seismic measuring techniques have been employed to detect boulders below the seafloor in. This innovative process allows identification of large rocks up to 100 m below the seafloor. That enables planning of windfarms and platforms as reliable as possible and thus more cost-effective while simultaneously minimizing the risks associated with the installation. The technical procedure in this form is unique and is continuously being developed further. The planning and installation of an... ... More: Official Press Release Fraunhofer IWES

Fraunhofer IWES, measuring campaign, 50Hertz, Baltic Sea, Germany, offshore, substation, boulder detection, Rügen

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